14K Bracelets
13 items
Gold Bracelets.
13 items
Gold Bracelets.
26 items
136 items
Free shipping on purchases of $35.00 dls or more!!!
12 items
12 items
96 items
Chains with Charms
65 items
23 items
Gold charms.
1 item
121 items
Elegant Silver Rings
23 items
Engagement Rings
1 item
4 items
102 items
Gold Earrings.
1 item
Gold Rosaries
14 items
58 items
Last Silver
69 items
Latest Stainless Steel
6 items
Plain Gold Rings
52 items
Plain Silver Rings
315 items
Recent Models
10 items
"Call or send a message to find out if they are available at Tel: 512-740-6672 or send a message via...
24 items
Rings for Men
4 items
52 items
Silver Earrings
172 items
Silver Engagement Rings.
36 items
Stainless steel
4 items
"Call or send a message to find out if they are available at Tel: 512-740-6672 or send a message via...
4 items
Toe Rings.
29 items
"Call or send a message to find out if they are available at Tel: 512-740-6672 or send a message via...
3 items
"Call or send a message to find out if they are available at Tel: 512-740-6672 or send a message via...
15 items
21 items
Wedding Bands
3 items
Wedding Bands